It is an honor to announce my role as Sebastian Kurz in the upcoming movie "Die Getriebenen", directed by Stephan Wagner and produced by Carte Blanche. Set in 2015, the thriller tells the story of the refugee crisis in Europe.
Here you can find the article of Hollywood Reporter, who broke the story - and mentioned my name on top of it all.
A huge thanks to the lovely cast and crew, who made me feel more than welcome! The cast includes: Imogen Kogge as Angela Merkel, Josef Bierbichler as Horst Seehofer, Walter Sittler as Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Rüdiger Vögler as Wolfgang Schäuble, Wolfgang Prengler as Thomas de Maizére, Tristan Seith as Peter Altmaier, Timo Dierkes as Sigmar Gabriel, Urs Remond as Steffen Seibert, Bernhard Schir as Werner Faymann, Thomas Morris as his confidant Radu Banzaru as Viktor Orbán and my agency colleague Peter Raffalt as Merkels confidant. Casting by Marc Schötteldreier.
Thousand chocolate flakes to my agent Petra Schmidt from Sceenactors who made all of this possible.
I am very happy right now ❤